BJLG’s DARK SPACES™ Creative Timeline UPDATE
How did I get here and where does the project currently stand?
Many know how BJLG’s Dark Spaces™ cumulatively represents my oldest, largest, most ambitious story of my creative life (and for those who have read MICE TEMPLAR in its entirety, you should realize just how bold a claim I’m making). Yet relatively few actually know what DARK SPACES is even about. They’ve been following the teasers, but it’s difficult to retain interest in something that never actually materializes. I get it. So, here’s where it all stands…
• 1989-92 — Primary narrative took shape.
• 1994-96 — First significant revisions, including incorporation of a 1978-81 creation retrofitted as the primary narrative’s backstory.
• 2000-01 — Major renovations of narrative and characters.
• 2015 — New setting & cosmology inspiration, though not applied.
• 2017 — I broke my back, narrowly missed more serious repercussions, and Judy began the campaign that I finally return to my oldest creation: DARK SPACES!
• 2018 March-August — Massive final revisions to backstory, incorporating new setting, cosmology & characters.
• 2018 Sept-Nov — New revisions applied throughout narrative notes prompting even greater significant changes in the latter half of the larger saga.
• 2019 Jan-March — First attempts at breaking Book 1 (of 9) into comic format and scripting.
• 2019 April-May — Publishing opportunity to submit first prose short story set in the DARK SPACES universe in E-Spec Books Anthology Footprints in the Stars. Introducing new universe & cosmology in the prequel tale Generational Sins proves significantly daunting.
• 2019 June-August — Major conflict between pursuing comic vs. prose proves a demoralizing summer.
• 2019 Sept-Dec — Finally committed to a prose format first to complete 1/3 of Book 1.
• 2019 December 11 — Achieved self-imposed deadline, completing a First Draft of Act One, Book One: 51,800 words.
UPDATE: With completion of this significant first draft, the text is now off to a professionally qualified editor who has graciously loaned their time and expertise to this project. While they review and edit, I return to the first five comic scripts, after which I will begin the art of sequential storytelling.
Sadly, I find that I still cannot commit to a date for online publication in any form, but it should be sometime in 2020!
Meanwhile, I remain open to considering a more formal publishing home for either the comic or prose. If you’re an editor or publisher that has been intrigued by the past two years of teasing, and would like to read Act One for consideration, please contact me privately!
BJLG’s DARK SPACES™ Creative Timeline UPDATE• Logo by Bryan J.L. Glass and Adam Withers & Comfort Love • Upcoming Issue #1 Cover by Michael Avon Oeming • Preliminary Editing by Greg Schauer •